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Thessalonians, the Epistles to the

TheEpistleToTheThessalonians_W Kelly_976
SKU: 976

Author: Kelly, W.

Sales price $9.95
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From the Preface:

It will not be denied by any considerate Christian of intelligence that there is room and need for fresh help in studying these earliest Epistles of the great apostle. The Homilies of Chrysostom, even if available generally, consist chiefly of exhortation. The comments among Jerome's works, were they certain, are of the slightest account, and avowedly supposititious. …

As these Epistle bring out into special prominence the coming and the day of the Lord, the right handling of this subject becomes a crucial test, wherein foreign divines, like Zwingle and Musculus, &c., fail no less than Rollock, Ferguson, &c. Even Bengel's spiritual tact here breaks down signally; for he ventures to say (Gnomon on 2 Thessalonians 2:8) that the appearing of the Lords coming is before His coming itself, or at least its first shining out: a statement which directly clashes with such scriptures as Colossians 3:4, Revelation 17: 14, 21:14. To my mind Mr. Jowett's edition is a painful one, from the rationalistic incredulity which perverts even his scholarship. In treating Plato or Thucydides he is at home and reliable. Bishop Ellicott's contribution is critical, erudite, and reverent; but he is so under the influence of the reputed standards of Anglican divinity that he cannot rise to the height of the inspired text, particularly in profiting by that revelation of the future which is put forward in such varied and striking forms throughout both letters to the Thessalonians.

To speak with the least slight of others who have labored on this portion of Scripture is, however, so invidious a thing for one who sends out a new little work that I forbear to say more. Those who examine candidly the page that follow are responsible to judge as in His sight Who has communicated a treasure so great as His own truth. May we be subject to His written word, and so understand, enjoy, an walk in the power of His Spirit.

228 pages – Hardcover - Author: W. Kelly

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