Elijah, Lessons From, A Man of God

Elijah was one of the greatest Old Testament prophets, yet no Bible book bears his name, and his work was limited more or less to special occasions with long periods in between. But what a blessed man he was, being one of two Old Testament believers to have had the privilege of being "raptured" to heaven without dying! He also had the immense privilege of visiting with the Lord on the mount of Transfiguration about 900 years later. Some of us, too, will be raptured to glory, never having to physically die—the rest of us being raised from the grave to take our place in the rapture of all believers. We have taken five accounts of his life and service—along with his failures—by well-known and gifted writers of past generations. Three (W.T.P. Wolston, C.H. Mackintosh, and F.W. Grant) write from evangelistic, shepherd and teaching perspectives, respectively, with two shorter articles by M.R. Keim and W. Kelly, that reinforce the lessons to be learned from this remarkable man. If he had discouragements, we are likely to also have our spiritual ups and downs, but a great lesson is that God always cares for His own. We commend this edited, easy to read and understand, book for you to enjoy! 200 Pages - Softcover - Authors: W.T.P. Wolston, C.H. Mackintosh, F.W. Grant, M.R. Keim, and W. Kelly