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Bible Proves Itself to be the Divine Revelation, The eBook

SKU: 9664NE

Author: Daniel, R.L.

Sales price $6.25
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If you want to prove some person to be who he claimed to be, beyond a doubt, then find ancient writings over a time-period of several thousand years, by many individuals, which predict events which must occur in specific places at specific times, most or all being well into the future, and name names and add dates for these unusual things to happen. The Law of Probability soon makes it impossible for that to happen. But that is what has happened in the Bible in relation to the Lord Jesus Christ being God, come to earth as a perfect Man, and suffering and dying to save mankind. Further, He arose from the dead! This one Man must be and is God. Only God could bring all those things together. All those prophecies could only fit one Person! Yes, the Bible does prove itself to be the divine revelation, given to us for our blessing!

Roger LeBaron Daniel (1886–1961) was a naval architect turned preacher, visiting assemblies mainly in the east and Midwest for many years. In later life he made his home in Michigan with his wife and son. This is the second of two books that he wrote, both published by Believers Bookshelf USA. With the gospel clearly presented, this is a book that can be given to saved and unsaved alike. How wonderful to be able to have such full assurance in our Bibles!

eBook - Author: Roger Lebaron Daniel



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