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Epistles of Paul, the

Epistles of Paul The_KELLY W _1384
SKU: 1384

Author: Kelly, W.

Sales price $16.95
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The twelve lectures which make up the volume before the reader were delivered in London within the month of May, 1868.

As presenting a sketch of the epistles of the great apostle of the Gentiles, the subject is one of the nearest interest to us of the uncircumcision who believe. But it is also definite enough to need no prefatory words, further than to say that, though I have sought diligently to correct the faults made in extemporaneous discourse, or the flaws of such as took them down in short-hand, I cannot but deeply feel how far short the result is from presenting an adequate summary of the wonderful compositions to which the lectures refer. But I reckon on, as I pray for, the grace of the Lord to bless even this resume, to such as read His word along with it, to the help of their souls.

551 pages – Hardcover - Author: W. Kelly

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