Understanding & experiencing Prayer

Why do even active Christians start yawning when the subject of prayer is mentioned? Why are many prayer meetings poorly attended? Why must worried-looking believers become so engrossed with their own burdens that they have little time and inclination to pray for others?You may find some answers in this book. It does not concern itself with gimmicks or techniques much less with neat formulas. Rather, the author sets forth the Biblical basis for prayer, emphasizing the Lord Jesus as our example in this area. He speaks of the bedrock issues of dependence upon God the help of the Holy Spirit promises and conflicts in prayer
At the end of each chapter are some vital questions mostly thought-provokers rather than questions of fact. Not intended to be graded right or wrong, they are geared to serve as a basis of discussion in any small group Bible study; or as a stimulant in personal study of this vital topic.
64 pages Softcover - Author: E. J. Thomas