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Addresses to the Seven Churches eBook

SKU: 9653NE

Author: Smith, H.

Sales price $7.95
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Revelation 2–3 are composed of seven letters which the apostle John, under the Holy Spirit's direction, wrote to seven local assemblies in the Roman province of Asia. These assemblies, on a map, were located in an approximate circle. Revelation 1 introduces the Lord as Judge in the midst of these assemblies and He commends and/or condemns their conduct. What He has to say should be of real interest to anyone wanting to please the Lord! These assemblies were chosen because they represent seven distinct periods in the history of the Church from John's day (Ephesus) to the end of the Church-dispensation (Laodicea). It is easy to see how rapidly Laodicean conduct is taking over the professing Church. All that remains is the Rapture when the true Church is caught up to be with their Lord. What a wonderful day that will be!

Hamilton Smith (1862–1943) ministered almost entirely in the United Kingdom and is recognized as an outstanding teacher of the Word. His easy-flowing style makes this valuable portion of the Word come alive. It makes us realize how near the Rapture is, and we thus are encouraged to walk God's "Church" pathway and be found faithful to Him!

eBook - Author: Hamilton Smith



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