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Doxologies of the New Testament

SKU: 15143

Author: Reynolds, B.

A doxology is a theological term used to describe an utterance of praise or a hymn to God in response to either an attribute of God or a work of God. The word itself comes from the Greek language: doxa, which means: praise, honor, or glory, and logia, which means: saying, or utterance. Thus we see that a doxology is an utterance of praise to God.

In this small book the author takes a devotional and expositional look at the seventeen doxologies found in the New Testament. The believer that explores these doxologies will not only have a greater understanding of the doctrines found in the New Testament, but one’s heart, in turn, will be lifted in praise to the God who has been revealed to us in Christ.
42 pages - Softcover - Author : Brian Reynolds
Sales price $4.99
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