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Preaching Tours and Missionary Labours of George Muller

SKU: 5078

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George Müller was one of the most influential preachers of his era - this biography, written by his wife Susannah Grace Sanger, tells of every speaking tour and missionary endeavor he undertook.

Beginning in his home nation of England, George Müller would preach and convince audiences of great size of the essential benevolence of God, and the need all people have of Jesus Christ. As his crowds, reputation and receptions grew in size, Müller toured first to continental Europe, then to North America and the Middle East. Adapted from a journal his wife kept during their travels, this book offers an eye-opening look at how the great missionary preacher conducted his life as a messenger of God.

It was during his later years that Müller embarked on his seventeen year mission around the world, where he evangelized on topics concerning both God and his accomplishments in assisting the poor. Speaking far and wide to congregations in India, South Africa, Canada, the United States and continental Europe, he became a prominent figure seen to exemplify Christian kindness and good deeds.

A passionate believer in the Lord and social justice, Müller found opposition to his ideas among the wealthy. Firm in the belief that the poor should receive a good standard of education, he was ridiculed and dismissed as a foolish idealist. Yet Müller proved the naysayers wrong: decades of effort resulted in the Ashley Downs orphanage which housed thousands of impoverished children, while he assisted in the establishment of 117 schools - in all, these ensured education for 120,000 children during Müller's lifetime.

Much of the money George Müller received was recirculated and donated to other talented and committed missionaries and their efforts; Bibles and other Christian religious texts were distributed by the thousands. Müller's reputation for hard work is borne out in this biography; he is portrayed as a man of great stamina, tirelessly spreading and speaking the

130 Pages - Softcover - Author: Mrs Muller


holy word.

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