Black and Free

"Preacher's kid by day and leader of the largest Harlem gang by night, Black and Free tells the story of Tom Skinner who was trapped in the bondage of religious tradition and hatred of whites." - Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner, Skinner Leadership Institute
"Few books have touched my heart so deeply as Black and Free. A simple story. A timeless classic. Redemptive. Hopeful. A crystal clear explanation of what it means to be a true Christian-and not." - Patrick Morley, author, CEO of Man in the Mirror
"My mentor, Tom Skinner was one of the greatest Christian minds and spoke persons for the Kingdom of God that the church has ever had." - Dr. Tony Evans, President, The Urban Alternative, Pastor, Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship
"He lovingly held the world in his heart. Now in this book, he continues to love us and teach us. I am happy to welcome Black and Free, for it tells me Tom Skinner lives." - Maya Angelou, Author, Poet
188 Pages - Softcover - Author: Tom Skinner