Box of Rocks Game

Ever been told you are Dumber Than A Box or Rocks? This game will prove you are not dumber (or maybe it won't!). Answer 3 questions correctly before the rocks do to prove yourself - YAY, you!
This quirky game includes 100 cards with 300 trivia questions - the answer to every trivia question is 0,1 or 2 giving you a 1 in 3 chance of getting it correct!
The handsome box which is a perfect size for traveling contains three rocks. One rock is used for scoring and the other two rocks which are smarter than they look, attempt to answer the trivia questions.
Simply shake the box of rocks and the rocks reveal their answer, you're human so we assume you'll just answer using your voice, no need to shake you up.
*2-10 Players
*Ages 12 and up
The Trivia QuestionsEach card has 3 different trivia questions with a wide range of subjects. The answer to every question is 0, 1, or 2. Not only will the card give you the correct answer on the back, but it will also elaborate on the answer so you aren’t left guessing! |
The RocksYou’d be surprised just how “smart” these rocks are. Surprisingly realistic, the two rocks with dashes carved into them are placed in the box to answer the questions. The blank rock is placed on the score pad. |
The HumiliationWhen the game is over, humankind all around hopes you came out on top. But when the rocks win, humiliation sets in. Now is the time to start considering re-enrolling in college or perhaps taking a long vacation until your friends forget that you are not smarter than a Box of Rocks. |
Product DescriptionThis quick play trivia game settles the question, Are you dumber than a Box of Rocks? The answer to every question is 0, 1, or 2. Draw a card, pick a category, shake the box and open the top. Do you have the correct answer, or do the Rocks? |
*It only takes 5-15 minutes of playing to see who is dumber - you or the rocks!