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Judges, Excerpts from the Book of

SKU: 9635N

Author: Palmer, P.

Sales price $9.95
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The children of Israel entered the promised land under Joshua and Caleb. After they died, Israel became increasingly disobedient and as a result, God gave victories to their enemies. Israel thus was often under great persecution. But when they called on the Lord, He gave judges who led the people more or less back to God and defeated their enemies. The book of Judges gives the history of 13 judges. Some were godly, some not.

Paul Palmer, Sr. leads us through these accounts in a manner that gives us reason to pause and consider our own spiritual condition today in relation to the Church. The Lord Jesus is constantly brought before us. The many failures of these judges to act for God, such as the well-known case of Samson, are not glossed over, but brought into the light of Scripture for our learning. We believe you will find the spiritual lessons well worth your time. And Paul writes in an easy to read, modern style that anyone from high school age, up, can understand and thoroughly enjoy.

208 Pages - Softcover - Author: Paul Palmer Sr.

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