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Forgiveness of Sins In three Aspects

Forgiveness of Sins In three Aspects GC 1372
SKU: 1372

Author: Cutting, G.

Sales price $1.19
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Eternal Forgiveness
Restorative Forgiveness
Governmental Forgiveness

There are three great consequences of sin:
1. Its eternal consequences.
2. Consequences relating to our practical enjoyment of fellowship with God.
3. Governmental consequences.

In connection with these three consequences of sin there are three aspects of forgiveness brought before us in Scripture.
The first, Eternal, or Redemption forgiveness.
The second, Restorative forgiveness.
The third, Governmental forgiveness.

At the very start of our Christian course we get the first.
The second Is that which the Christian needs whenever he grieves the Holy Spirit by an allowance of evil. It Is the forgiveness of a child who knows his relationship with the Father, but who has, for a time lost the enjoyment of it through sin.
The third relates to the ways of God with His people here below.

23 pages – Pamphlet – Author: G. Cutting

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