Lost Audience

The problem of the church today is not that the gospel has lost its power, but that the church has lost its audience. Frequently, on a group level, no one is listening when the gospel is preached. This is usually because contact has been lost with non-Christians on a personal level.Someone has said, "The Holy Spirit cannot save saints or seats." In how many churches and IVCF groups is the gospel preached week after week to the same people? The result is sterility, deadness, and an increasing unconscious feeling that the gospel is unattractive and powerless. Another result is a growing inferiority complex.
Contact with non-Christians on a personal level has also been lost. This is much more true of those who have been raised in evangelical churches, or of young Christians who have been clamped into this mold, than of new Christians who have been brought to Christ out of a pagan background.
27 pages Pamphlet Author: P. E. Little