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A Word To Believers As To Fellowship With Christians
As long as the solemn question of the soul's eternal salvation is left in dark uncertainty there will be little, if any, freedom of spirit to think of that which interests Christ or concerns His glory, apart from the bare matter of the sinner's peace and safety. On the other hand, when one who professes to have the knowledge of this great salvation gives evidence in walk and ways of cold indifference to those interests, it manifests either a very shallow work in the soul or no real work at all, For be sure of this, that the work of the Spirit in a soul is as great a reality as the work of Christ for that soul, and that in whomsoever He (the Spirit) dwells, His activity will always tend to the glory of Christ. "He shall glorify me," said the blessed Lord; "for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you" (John 16:14).
In case this should fall into the hands of a troubled soul, it may be well to add here, for his comfort, that peace does not depend upon our being satisfied with the work of the Spirit in us, but upon God's satisfaction in the work of Christ for us, and as this rests eternally the same, the ground of our peace is unchanging too. "Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God" (1 Peter 3: 18). But it is for those who have recently been brought to the knowledge of salvation that this little book is intended, though it is the earnest prayer of the writer that its pages may graciously be used of God to the exercise and blessing of every reader who loves our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity.
How I should like, before we proceed further, to fill your heart (if it is not already full) with the warm and heavenly rays which shine forth from that little sentence in John 13:1, "Having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end!" "His own!" What a precious thought! His, not only by creator-right and redemption-titles, but His by gift from the Father, "thine they were, and thou gavest them me" (John 17:6). And so precious is this thought to His own heart that seven times over in that remarkable outbreathing of His soul to the Father (John 17) He makes mention of it. Is this not enough to fill your heart, dear reader? Tis true you· are left for a little while in this cold, dark world, but you are "loved" by Him, and loved through everything, right on "to the end." Never dream, I pray you, of asking Him to increase His love toward you. He never could love you more, and He never will love you less. Blessed be His name, His love is like Himself-infinite and eternal.
"Love that no tongue can teach,
Love that no thought can reach;
No love like His.
God is its blessed source,
Death ne'er can stop its course,
Nothing can stay its force;
Matchless it is."
24 pages Pamphlet Author: G. Cutting