Salvation by Works

The Idea of salvation by the merit of our own works is exceedingly insinuating. It matters not how often it is refuted, it asserts itself again and again; and when it gains the least foothold, it soon makes great advances. Hence Paul, who was determined to show it no quarter, opposed every thing which bore its likeness. He was determined not to permit the thin edge of the wedge to be introduced into the Church, for well he knew that willing hands would soon be driving it home; hence, when Peter sided with the Judaizing party, and seemed to favor those who demanded that the Gentiles should be circumcised, our brave apostle withstood him to the face.
He fought always for salvation by grace through faith, and contended strenuously against all thought of righteousness by obedience to the precepts of the ceremonial law. No one could be more explicit than he upon the doctrine that we are not justified or saved by
24 pages Pamphlet Author: C. H. Spurgeon