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The day of Ruin in the last days

Day of Ruin
SKU: 4802

Sales price $3.25
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This booklet completes a series of studies on the Church of the Living God. How should we live in these last days? We are faced with hard choices since disobedience, human traditions and confusion have been allowed in the House of God. The foundation is sure since the Church is built not on man's ideas or changing fashions but on Christ our cornerstone, and built up on the unchangeable teachings laid down in the apostles' doctrine. We need to conduct ourselves according to the Word of God in His house, even when it comes to our associations, actions and the way we live and walk.

In the midst of shipwreck and ruin, there are anchors for each one of us, and for the true Church as a whole. The question we face in this day is simple: Will we follow the Lord as a part of His remnant, or will we be part of the ruin? We need to choose how we will respond to our Lord's direction. What will we allow in our day on our watch as members of Christ's Body and the Church of the Living God?

52 pages - Booklet - Author: R. K. Campbell

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