What is Election?

What Is Election_OUWENEEL W J _274
SKU: 274

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What does it mean to be “chosen in Him before the foundations of the world” (Eph. 1:4)? This and other Scriptures, which have long been a cause of confusion (perplexity, puzzlement), are explained in this volume by Dr. Ouweneel.

To the person who has also wondered whether there will be any difference in eternity, for those who have come to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ from different dispensations, the author has written a Bible based explanation. Those who have found help in other books of the “What Is” series will happily add this book to their library.

Others in the series, which are available at your Christian bookstore or from the publisher are: What is Eternal Life? What is the Christian's Hope? What is the Sonship of Christ? What is Truth – Creation or Evolution?

66 pages – Softcover - Author: W. J. Ouweneel