Twelve Stones

Twelve Stones GS
SKU: 513

Author: Spratt, G.

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These short studies first appeared as a series in 'The Interpreter', published by the Greatheart Trust. The object behind them was two fold: firstly to present the foundation truths of Christianity in such a way that young people could understand them; secondly to stimulate interest in Bible study, Christianity today is so often presented either as an emotional experience or as a social responsibility, that there is a grave danger that the doctrinal basis of it should be neglected.
Only by the diligent study of God's Word can such a danger be averted. The author has tried to support every statement made by a quotation from the Bible; if the reader will take the trouble to look up the Scriptures quoted, he or she will be encouraged to look more deeply into the subject matter, and perhaps in the process will get an increased appetite for serious Bible study. That in its turn will lead to a fuller knowledge and appreciation for the Lord Jesus.

71 pages - Softcover - Author: G. Spratt