The Church: The Bride of Christ

SKU: 1695

Author: Hayhoe, H. E.

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What has led to the writing of this little booklet, has been the desire to keep burning brightly in our souls, the marvelous love and grace that has made us "heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ." Rom. 8:17. Sound doctrine is much needed, but it will not truly sanctify the bride of Christ, unless the affections of the Bridegroom, and the coming glory with Him are filling the mind and heart of His much-loved and dearly-bought bride.

May this meditation be used of Him to stir our affections afresh, and lead our hearts to long for the day when He shall receive us unto Himself.

- H.E.H.

16 Pages - Pamphlet - Author: Henry Edward Hayhoe