Solomon and His Temple

solomon and his temple
SKU: 15020

Sales price $9.95
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There are not many Christ-centered studies of
the life of Solomon currently available. With
this book, W.W. Fereday, in his concise, readable
style, has filled that void. The focus is on
Solomon but especially in connection with the
Temple. The author sums up Solomon’s times with
the following:
“The days of Solomon were unique in the history
of Israel and of the world; and the house that he
built unto the name of Jehovah was also unique.
It was all a bright foreshadowing of days of
glory and blessing yet to be brought in by the
Lord Jesus. The nations of the world will then
cease to strive, and will dwell peacefully under
His righteous sway, and the Temple in Jerusalem
will be sought unto from the ends of the earth
because Jehovah is there.”

Softcover - W.W.Fereday