Romans - A Courtroom Drama

Romans A Courtroom Drama_Westwood_9306
SKU: 9306

Author: Westwood, T

Sales price $18.95
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Tom Westwood has long gone to his well-earned reward yet this book is still relevant half a century after its original publication. Believers Bookshelf received permission to reprint this excellent book because it was so often requested. While some editing has been done, its message is unchanged!

The truth of God does not change. The principles of His Word stand firm regardless of human opinions. Almighty God remains the Judge on the bench. Every human being, Gentile or Jew, is guilty before God and is sentenced to die.

The Apostle Paul's arguments in the letter to the Romans remain valid today. Justification can only be by God's grace, through the payment that Christ Jesus has made possible by His death and resurrection. Just so, God does not alter His standards for the pardoned, justified believer's life.

Listen as the drama unfolds…

312 pages – Softcover - Author: T. Westwood