Notion of a Clergyman, The

Nation of a Clergyman JND 1332
SKU: 1332

Author: Darby, J. N.

Sales price $0.70
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Dispensationally the Sin Against The Holy Ghost

It is necessary to give a brief account of the following tract, which is now published for the first time. It was intended to be published at the time it was written; but the printer and publisher showed it privately to some of the influential Clergy before it was published, and I was surrounded and entreated not to publish it (I cannot really, at this distance of time, say by whom), and gave way. We can all understand (at least, any who have had deep convictions on points which affect the whole standing of the Church of God) how (however deep internal convictions of any such truths may be) a serious and conscientious mind may hesitate as to putting forth what may shock the feelings of many godly persons, and violate established order: and in such matters all ought to be not only conscientious but serious, have the fear of God, and not merely an opinion on that which may work deeply in the minds of any, and affect so sacred a thing, the only sacred thing in the world, as the Church of God. It never therefore appeared. Nor do I, though it may appear to be weakness in myself, regret it at the hands of Him who makes all things work together for good to them that love Him. I have a deep, abiding conviction that the building up of good can alone give lasting blessing, not the attacking evil. I would press it on every one who seeks good. I had not the most distant feeling of enmity against any, nor against the *Establishment; I loved it still, I looked at it as a barrier against Popery. When I left it, I published the tract on "The Nature and Unity of the Church of Christ." Everyone knows, and for myself it is a matter of profound sorrow,…
*The Church of Ireland.

22 pages – Pamphlet – Author: J. N. Darby