Meditations on the Beatitudes

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SKU: 15001

Author: Miller, A.

Sales price $11.50
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Andrew Miller, author of the well known Meditations on the Song of Solomon, was a gi ed writer with a rich devotional style.
“Meditations on the Beatitudes and Christian Devotedness” is a devotional exposition of the “beatitudes” of the “sermon on the mount” and of the twel h chapter of Paul’s epistle to the Romans. Originally reprinted from
“ ings New and Old,” these are now presented in a more convenient form in a single volume for the reader.
The author’s prayer in presenting this work was, “We now look for the Lord’s blessing to rest on, and accompany, these Meditations for His own glory and the blessing of many, many souls.”

182 Pages - Softcover - Author: A. Miller