Man's Way and God's

Man s Way and God s GC 687
SKU: 687

Author: Cutting, G.

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There are four groups of words in the closing chapters of the gospel of John which, taken together in the order in which they come, give us God's order in the blessing of souls.
In chapter 19:30 we have the three precious words, "It is finished." Not “I have finished,” as though He had done part of the redeeming work, and left the other part for us, but "It is finished." All the work was done.
A poor old woman, in her eightieth year, came one evening to a cottage meeting in a small hamlet in South Lincolnshire. She was among that vast number of honest though mistaken souls who are 'doing their best' for salvation. She had taught herself to read when more than fifty years of age, so that she might, among…

7 pages – Pamphlet – Author: G. Cutting