Man of God, The

Man of God CHM 1042
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The sentence which we have just penned occurs in Paul's second Epistle to his beloved son Timothy - an epistle marked, as we know, by intense individuality. All thoughtful students of Scripture have noticed the striking - contrast between the two Epistles of Paul to Timothy. In the first, the Church is presented in its order, and Timothy is instructed as to how he is to behave himself therein. In the second, on the contrary, the Church is presented in its ruin. The house of God has become the great house, in the which there are vessels to dishonor as well as vessels to honor; and where, moreover, errors and evils abound - heretical teachers and false professors, on every hand.
It is in this epistle of individuality, then, that the expression, "The man of God" is used with such obvious force and meaning. It is in times of general declension, of ruin and confusion that the faithfulness, devotedness, and decision of the individual man of God are specially called for. And it is a signal mercy for such an one to know that, spite of the hopeless failure of the Church as a responsible witness for Christ, it is the privilege of the individual to tread as holy a path, to taste as deep communion, and to enjoy as rich blessings, as could be known in the Church's brightest days.
This is a most encouraging and consolatory fact - a fact established by many infallible proofs, and set forth in the very passage from which our head…

It is in times of general declension, of ruin and of confusion that the faithfulness, devotedness, and decision of the individual Man of God are specially called for. And it is a signal mercy for such an one to know that, in spite of the hopeless failure of the Church as a responsible witness for Christ, it is the privilege of the individual to tread as holy a path, to taste as deep communion, and to enjoy as rich blessings, as could be known in the Church's brightest days.

39 pages – Pamphlet – Author: C. H. Mackintosh