Living by Faith

SKU: 1170

Author: Oloniyo, N.

Sales price $9.95
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There is so much that passes for faith today among Christians that many are confused as to what it means to have and exercise faith. What would we say about the following story? Is this true faith in action, or is it self-deception, or what?

It was the season of degree examinations in a certain university. A “Christian” student who was to go in for one of these examinations was reported to have said that God has assured him of a good result in the examinations he had not entered for.
This “Christian” student “claimed” the good examination result “by faith.” Because of his “faith” it was not necessary for him to study for the examinations. It would mean “lack of faith” on his part - or not “taking God at His word.” It was pointless going into the examinations hall to sit for them, since he already had a pass result in his possession – “claimed by faith.”

The examinations were held, but the student did not show up. When the results were released he had a score of zero – a total and complete failure.

This is only one of the many notions going by the name of faith and which are affecting an increasing number of “Christians” and Christian groups.

The zeal apparently is there all right. But could this be a case of having “zeal for God, but without knowledge”?

The Church needs teaching in the Scriptures and about what the Scriptures really mean in daily living. This book is timely for the correction of error and a leading into truth for Christian living.

As the author has pointed out, we need faith through which to be saved and by which to live day by day. A prayerful use of this book as a help in our study of the Scriptures should go a long way toward helping Christians “grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

204 pages – Softcover - Author: N. Oloniyo