Letters on Points Connected w/ Assembly

Letters on Points Connected w Assembly
SKU: 3336

Author: Grant, F. W.

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FROM THE FOREWORD: The enclosed letters were first published by brother F.W. Grant in 1870, and reprinted in Help and Food in 1906. The First Letter has to do with the principles of reception to fellowship with remarks as to what has been called "occasional" fellowship. The Second Letter emphasizes the unity of the assembly as promoted and maintained by the connection with the Center--the Lord Himself, at His Table. The Third Letter takes up the remembrance of the Lord Himself in the Lord's Supper. The Fourth Letter points out the resulting worship through communion with the Father by the Holy Spirit's power. May the Lord be pleased to bless these precious truths to His beloved people--truths which are just as fresh and vital for the testimony of Christ and His assembly today as they were when this was written more than one hundred years ago, or when first revealed through the apostle of the Gentiles in the Holy Scriptures.

Pamphlet - 24 Pages - Author: F. W. Grant