Letter on the Praise of Men, A

Letter on the Praise of Men JND 2515
SKU: 2515

Author: Darby, J. N.

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My dear Friend and Brother in Jesus Christ: -
It gives me much pleasure to see your translation of ---. I reserve the pleasure of reading it, or rather of having it read to me, for moments in which the Lord says to us, as He did to the apostles, "Come ye yourselves apart, and rest a while." But I cannot refrain from telling you, my dear friend, that the pleasure that the appearance of your work gave me has been somewhat abated by the too favorable opinion which you have expressed in your preface respecting me. Before I had read a word in your translation, I made a present of a copy to a very dear and sincere friend…

8 pages – Pamphlet – Author: J. N. Darby