Jesus is Jehovah

Jesus is Jehovah CHB 5992
SKU: 5992

Author: Brown, C. H.

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1. Jehovah-Jesus, the Creator
Early in the history of the professing church of God, a grave and significant controversy arose as to the Person of Christ. This came to a head early in the fourth century. Emperor Constantine called a council at Nice in Bithynia in the year 325. A powerful defender of the faith came forward in the person of the great Athanasius, later bishop of Alexandria, who was used of God to turn the tide of the conference in favor of an uncompromising defense of the absolute deity of Christ. His opponent was a certain Arius, presbyter in the church at Alexandria. As the result of the latter's insistent denial of the deity of Christ, the term "Arianism" became a synonym for the blasphemy of reducing the Christ of God to the stature of a creature - "the greatest of creatures, but not equal to the Father.”
In addition to Athanasius, some of the other eminent church fathers down through the ages held and taught the deity of Christ. Among such we might list Irenaeus, Chrysostom and Augustine.
Down through the church's history many sects, parties and denominations have arisen who were of Arian persuasion, as opposed to what is commonly called "orthodoxy," which word means simply "right doctrine." Today the most militant and aggressive of all such Arian…

"To me it is as clear as the sun at noonday that Christ was the Jehovah of the Old Testament.”
J. N. Darby

46 pages – Pamphlet – Author: C. H. Brown