Is Jesus God?

Is Jesus God
SKU: 3427

Author: Anonymous

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This pamphlet takes a glimpse at the Person of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Word of God. While addressing what the Bible declares regarding His Divinity and humanity, the author confesses: “How could such contradictory attributes be reconciled by the finite mind of man – or by the mind of any creature – whoever he may be? ‘No man knoweth the Son, but the Father' (Matthew 11:27). Though the reference to this text may be ridiculed as but a refuge for an unreasonable dogma, it is nevertheless the teaching of Scripture, and the only conclusion that a reasonable mind can come to regarding such a Person.

There are mysteries about His person which are impossible for us to know: hence we have, ‘No man knoweth the Son, but the Father.' Indeed, were this statement absent from the page of inspiration, our reason would compel us to admit what it asserts, and of ourselves we would come to the conclusion that such a Person was unknowable by the creature. Seeming contradictions, which are matters of revelation we can well believe, but not one of them can we understand.”

11 pages – Booklet - Author: Unknown