In Search of a Song

In search of a song
SKU: 6264

Author: J., C.L.

Sales price $6.95
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"It was Jennie's father who took the road from the graveyard that led up to the beginning of the trail. As he came to the end, wondering what to do next, he sensed a movement in the darkness. He drove closer. Peering through the falling snow, he saw that it was Stephen! He was walking with great difficulty… 'Stephen, Stephen!' he shouted, his voice choking with tears. Stephen barely responded."

In Search of a Song is the story of some Christian young people growing up in the lonely and isolated village of Jaffrey. As they struggle with resentment and rebellion, these real people, through true experiences, learn that the Lord's perfect will for them can bring purpose and peace.

222 pages – Softcover – Author: C. L. J.