Growing in God's Word

Growing in God s Word GS 368
SKU: 368

Author: Steidl, G. W.

Sales price $0.50
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As you begin Growing In God's Word, it is good to consider for a moment the subject of our study. According to one author,
"The Bible is the book of books, the oldest book in existence, the most circulated and the best read book in the whole world. The 1631 languages in which all of part of the Bible is available, represents what is spoken by some 98% of the world's population. It is thus a universal book and the greatest traveler in the world. It is seen in the royal palace and in the humble cottage and read by emperors and beggars, giving comfort, light, and salvation to millions. It has been marvelously preserved for us down through the centuries in spite of Satan's many fierce and fiery efforts to destroy it. Many have been martyred for it, choosing rather to die than to deny its precious truths."
If you keep your Bible handy as you study, and keep in mind the eternal value of its contents, you will not be disappointed.

28 pages – Pamphlet – Author: G. Steidl