Golden Thread, the

Golden thread
SKU: 2282

Author: Koll, E.

Sales price $5.95
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How does God reveal His will? How do you know when He is directing? In this book, Elsie Koll, a missionary to China from 1923 to 1946 tells us, in retrospect, how God weaved a Golden Thread (His guidance) through her life.

This thrilling story starts in middle-class London and spans the continents as God used many events to accomplish His will in her life, just as He does in ours. Through it all - poor eyesight, primitive dwellings, lack of funds in wartime, cultural differences, fear and other circumstance - Elsie Koll traces her thread with candor.

This book is a powerful illustration of how God can be trusted, and it will encourage the reader to trust Him more.

167 pages - Softcover - Author: E. Koll