Golden Bells and Pomegranates

Golden Bells and Pomegranates JST 2507
SKU: 2507

Author: Tait,J. M. S.

Sales price $0.60
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"A golden bell and a pomegranate, a golden bell and a pomegranate, upon the hem of the robe round about." Exodus 28:34

I've had these words hanging in the parlour for a year. They are just over the door leading into the shop. Folks have suggested that some other text would be better. Now, I don't think so at all, for I often look up at the words as I go about my work, and bless the Lord for the message they brought me a year ago.
I was a bit disappointed, that evening, when a strange preacher gave out those words for his text. "Going back," I said, "to Jewish…

20 pages – Pamphlet – Author: J. S. Tait