Excerpts form Proverbs

Proverbs cover final
SKU: 9575N

Author: Palmer, P.

Sales price $8.95
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Excerpts from Proverbs

Except for the final two chapters, the Bible book of Proverbs was written by the world's wisest man, King Solomon. He wrote 3000 proverbs (1 Ki.4:32). The Holy Spirit guided the writers and chose those proverbs He wanted in this inspired book of wise sayings that tells us what is wise or unwise when dealing with many of life's conditions and problems. Many are written to young people and give both instructions and warnings.

Paul Palmer in his book has not given a detailed commentary on Proverbs, but has chosen a verse per chapter to give an overview of this book of the Bible and hopefully cause you to desire to read and study all of Proverbs, and consider what the Lord would have us learn from this marvelous book of Christian psychology. It has been far too neglected by many of us!

Paul Palmer Sr. was born in St. Elizabeth, Jamaica. In 1977, he and his family migrated to South Florida where he and his wife, Valerie, still reside. Their three children with their families are in the Atlanta and Charlotte areas. Since graduating from Munro College, Paul has worked in the air cargo industry. Besides helping at Bible camps in Florida, Paul serves on the boards of Believers Bookshelf USA, and Carmel Hills-a Christian retirement community.