Does Death Alone Break the Marriage Relation?

Does Death Alone Break the Marriage Relation FCJ 1030
SKU: 1030

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A word may be necessary to explain the issue of the accompanying pages. It has recently been strongly pressed, in more quarters than one, that nothing - and that word is used in its strictest sense - can ever justify divorce, that "true marriage is indissoluble," "it cannot be unmade," and so on, reiterated in varying forms again and again. Were this without practical consequence it might be ignored as extravagant, but serious results spring from it, and have already brought no little distress. The strong emphasis put on what is pressed as the basic sin of remarriage after divorce, has virtually transferred the extreme guilt of adultery from the actual transgressor to the innocent party who has remarried. This pamphlet is intended as an examination of Scripture as to this.

23 pages – Pamphlet – Author: F. C. Jennings