Daniel, lectures on the book of

LecturesOnTheBookOfDaniel_W Kelly_990
SKU: 990

Author: Kelly, W.

Sales price $12.95
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From chapter 1:

It must be evident to any attentive reader, that this first chapter is purely a preface to the book. It introduces us into the scene to which the prophecies, of which Daniel was either the interpreter or the vessel, are the great after-piece, the subject-matter which the Spirit of God is about to convey to us. Of this we may therefore take advantage to inquire into the peculiar nature of the book on which we are about to enter.

The properly prophetic part of Daniel begins with chapter two. Then follow certain historical incidents, which, as I conceive, have a most intimate connection with the prophecy – if not directly, in the way of types – vividly showing out the moral principles or the issues of the powers of the world, with which the book is occupied.

In order to understand Daniel, it is necessary to bear in mind that prophecy in the Old Testament divides itself into two great parts. There were prophecies that concerned the people of God, Israel, when they were still under His government; unfaithful, often, but still subject to His discipline and owned of Him to a certain extent. …

270 pages – Hardcover - Author: W. Kelly