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Servants of God

Servants of God Ab
SKU: 474

Author: Bouter, A. E.

Sales price $2.95
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What a privilege: to belong to the greatest Person in the universe! Sin came into this world and marred God's beautiful creation. However, in the fulness of time the Son of God came to this earth. The Creator of the heavens and earth has become a Bondman Himself, in order to honour God and to give Himself as a Sacrifice. For those who have confessed their sins and put their trust in Him, He has become their Master. This booklet speaks about those who have surrendered their lives to Him, once and for all, but also as an ongoing commitment, till He comes!

Some might prefer a more systematic approach to this subject, but I have limited myself to try to present something of the glorious Person we as Christians may serve, and to write about the privileges and responsibilities that come with this relationship.

May the Lord bless those who read or hear, and help all to be true servants: "Speak, Lord, for Thy servant heareth."

116 pages – Softcover – Author: A. E. Bouter

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